Author: AAA Wastewater

Keeping Your Septic Tank Green (in a Good Way)

When it comes to the environment, the septic and sewer industry gets a bad rep. People think of toxic waste poisoning rivers, lands, and local water supplies. While this has of course happened in the past, it generally has stemmed from people ignoring proper practices, not following cleaning and maintenance schedules, and ignoring important regulations […]

Grease Trap Mistakes You Should Avoid

When grease goes into your plumping or septic tank, bad things happen. Since grease is lighter than water, it doesn’t mix, instead rising to the top. This can cause backups, clogs, and all sorts of other problems. You can even get fined for mishandling grease.  That’s why there are grease traps. Grease traps separate grease from the water, and then let the […]